About Me

Hi! I'm Honeylith Rudz, I'm a Youtube Content Creator. I create videos about Schengen Visa, Travel Tips & Guide for Filipinos. I'm from the Philippines but now I live here in Germany with my husband who is a German national.

If you are here now on the Rudz Travel website that means you are looking for someone to help prepare your visa application.

I love traveling and helping others with visa applications. That's why I created Rudz Travel. I know visa processes can be tough, especially for Filipinos, so I want to make it easier for you.

I decided to offer visa assistance because I want to share my experience as a first-time Schengen Visa applicant with you. In fact, I've helped clients in the past, and their visas were approved. I took a break from assisting clients last year to concentrate on my Integration Course in Germany, a requirement for permanent residency. Now that I've completed it, I'm eager to focus on providing visa assistance again.

My first visa application was for a Schengen Visa (visit visa for unmarried couples), and then I applied for a Family Reunification Visa. I had no issues with my Family Reunification Visa application, and that's why I'm confident in assisting you with your visa application.

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